TitleYearInstrumentationInfoFirst performance
Mozaik20258 instruments19 January 2025, Budapest, FUGA
CentriFUGA – Transparent Music Exhibition
Korlátozott lehetőségek / Limited Possibilities2024clarinet, violin, viola16 October 2024, Budapest, 2B Gallery
WALDSEE 1944 – koncert
június 2., 18:00, Budapest, FUGA Budapesti Építészeti Központ
CentriFUGA produkció: Pianissimo
Naplórészlet20244 channel electronics
március 10., 18:00, Budapest, FUGA Budapesti Építészeti Központ
Asztromuzsika: Különböző otthonok – Bolcsó Bálint szerzői estje
Different Homes2023clarinet / bass clarinet, cello, accordion, percussion, electronics
szeptember 9., 21:00, Novi Sad (SRB), Újvidéki Színház
HoME – A Moment to Land
Do Not Repeat2023clarinet, bass clarinet, alto sax, bassoon
június 11., 18:00, Budapest, FUGA
CentriFUGA Produkció: “A repetitív minimalizmus tükrében”
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow2023voice, recorder, cembalo, cello, bass guitar, drum set, electronics
január 6., 19:30, Budapest, Magyar Zene Háza
WH: Shakespeare marad
Finish Your Idea2022MIDI keyboard and chamber ensemble
június 19., 18:00, Budapest, FUGA
Fabric2022string orchestra
január 13., 20:00, Budapest, Három Holló
The inside of a tone (Átlátszó Hang Újzenei Fesztivál)
CIGANYAPACA / BENEDETTA-script / UJBARANY2021video with electronics text, reading: Kinga Tóthdecember 18., 21:10, Under Szubcult (online esemény)
We Are (Not) a Dream2021organ and 8 channel electronics
május 26., 18:00, Budavári Evangélikus Templom
Csend // Silence
Mindig2021flute and clarinet
május 24., 14:00, online esemény
n.b. – zeneművek minden 15 percben – nekem FUGA fontos
Interior2021flute, viola, accordion and harp
január 17., 18:00, Bp, FUGA Budapesti Építészeti Központ 
CentriFUGA feat. Szűcs Dóra Ida
Fabric of Presence2020electronics
július 1., 19:00, Bp, Kalmár János kertje
Koncert a Kertben
Der Bleicherin Nachtlied2020vocal ensemble and electronics
március 8., 18:00, Bp, FUGA Budapesti Építészeti Központ
Hangok Szabadon
senza f[…]2020string quartet
február 1., 18:00, Bp, Budapest Music Center
Classicus Quartet: Das Wohltemperierte Streichquartett https://www.facebook.com/events/2566439110130425/?event_time_id=2566439116797091
Morzsái az eltörött világkalácsnak2019monodrama for actress, soprano and electronicstext: Anna Lesznaiszeptember 21., 16:00, Hatvan, Hatvany Lajos Múzeum
Frühlingssonate2019piano and electronics
június 7., 19:30, Hamburg, Alfred Schnittke Akademie
International Budapest Connection
what if2019chamber ensemble and electronics
május 19., 18:00, Bp, FUGA Budapesti Építészeti Központ
CentriFUGA Produkció ǀ A Fervágner-bőgő
Machaut-kommentárok20194 channel electronics
április 6., 17:00, Bp, BMC Könyvtár
Machaut füle – La messe
Föld és levegő2019gamelan ensemble and electronics
január 13., 18:30, Bp, FUGA Budapesti Építészeti Központ
Gamelán áramban / Átlátszó Hang Újzenei Fesztivál
45s(b)2018chamber ensemble
december 12., 19:00, Bp, Magyar Rádió, Márványterem
Sáry Bánk 45
Haiku2018voice + 5 instrumentstext: Siniša MatasovićWords and Music 6, 9 January 2018
Abstraction Layers20174 instruments, live electronics
Bolcsó-Kováts-Rubik feat. BIO, 20 September 2017, BMC Library
Jelenlét (Presence)2017video with electronic soundtrackvideo: Zsigmond Peternák18 June 2017, FUGA
Kockaember2017short moviedirector: Linda Dombrovszky
100mp*100dB2017electronics (+video)
17 March 2017, Hermina Gallery
Metszéspontpillanat2017saxophone, harp, electronics
26 February 2017, Fuga
Plant Box Man Repeat2016drum set, live electronics
Bolcsó-Kováts-Rubik feat. BIO, 20 September 2017, BMC Library
The River2016videoA film by Andrea Bátorfi.
Reality Check2016video + electronics
FModulations 3, 2 June 2016, Budapest, Müszi
PLAY ME2016video score (for any instruments)
Hermina Gallery turns 1, 2016
Proof of Concept2016video installation
ArtPort 20, Pécs, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, m21 Gallery, 2016
The Outcast2016radio playIncidental music to the radio play by Norbert Köbli. Director: Péter Fazakas.
Kreml, 19562015radio playIncidental music to the radio play by Norbert Köbli. Director: Péter Fazakas.
Graceful Degradation2015four instruments, electronics
9 January 2016, Liszt Academy, Solti Hall, Transparent Sound Festival
Kívül-belül (Inside-Outside)2015saxophone, live electronics
18 October 2015, FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
Atmoszféramátrix20156 channel electronics
18 September 2015, BMC Library
Fáziskeresők2015cello, piano
Hermina Gallery opening, 17 May 2015, Budapest
A boldog festő (The Happy Painter)2015documentarydirector: Linda Dombrovszky

A hetedik (The Seventh)2015recorder, 6 channel live electronics
Recorder XXI – techné, 14 February 2015, Budapest Music Center, library
Swiss Flow2014videoA film by Andrea Bátorfi.
HUMAchiNe.org2014MIDI controlled pipe organ
17 October 2014, Budapest, Palace of Arts
Hetvenes2014mockumentarydirector: Linda Dombrovszky

Kölcsön-hatás (Inter-Play)2014clarinet, guitar, DIY instruments, electronics, danceKÖLCSÖN-HATÁS / INTER-PLAY January 19th, 2014 at FUGA Budapest Centre of Architecture
Composers: Bálint Bolcsó, Georgi Sztojanov Performers: Katalin Koltai – guitar Zsolt Bartek – clarinet Bálint Bolcsó – live electronics Tamara Vadas – dance András Meszerics – dance
Mezítlábas Zenészek Produkció – Barefoot Musicians Project www.mezitlabaszeneszek.com www.barefootmusicians.com

Enigma Remix2014sprechgesang, speaker, clarinet, cello, cimbalom, controller
16 February 2014, FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
In Circles2013animated short filmdirector: Lina Walde, made by Lina Walde & Arzu Saglam 

Harmadnapon (The Third Day)2013short moviedirector: Linda Dombrovszky

Fényetűd (Etude of Light)2013clarinet, electronicsControlled improvisation with visualization and sonification.8 December 2013, FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
Passacaglia2013clarinet, electronics

20 January 2013, FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
Try to Fly2012performanceI made music out of flies for Aurore Aulong’s installation-performance.
30 Days20124 soprano saxophones
Heiliggeistkirche Bern, 1 May 2012
Elsöprő (Passion for Change)2011photo-animation filmphotos, director: Andrea Bátorfi
It was premiered as a part of the exhibition in FUGA.

Gitter2011guitar, soprano voice, clarinet, electronics
Budapest, Rajk College for Advanced Studies, 17 November 2011
Aria2011ensemble, bells, tapeThis piece was commissioned by Use the City Festival in Kosice, Slovakia. It uses the special musical objects located on the main square of the city: a “singing” fountain and a set of bells, in addition to an ensemble with an unusual combination of instruments.
The recording below is of the version adapted for the 2012 Bratislava performance.

Péter Szűcs, clarinet | György Gyivicsán, trombone | Eszter Krulik, violin | Villő Oláh, cello | János Nevelő, vibraphone | Bálint Bolcsó, piano | Balázs Horváth, conductor
27 May 2011, Use the City festival, Kosice, Slovakia
HUMAchiNe IV2011clarinet, bass clarinet, live electronics
23 March 2011, Budapest, Háló Community Centre: Black Moon
]off scene[…[obscene]2010experimental music theatreA collectively composed and performed experimental music theatre piece by and with:
Jessica Huijnen Johannes Kretz Samu Gryllus Sieglinde Größinger Judit Varga Balint Bolcso Lin Wei-Ya Ye Hui Hans Wagner Thomas Wagensommerer Ernö Rubik Marko
Vienna, Kabelwerk 12.11.2010 — aNOther festival
holahatar.hu intro-music2010infographics animationA campaign for moderate alcohol consumption. (Péter Fancsikai, Krétakör —> for Heineken Hungária Zrt.)
Café Brasil2010movement theatre (KoMa Company)
first performance: 7 June 2010, Pécs, Cooltour Café
Oktogon20108 channel electronicsA subjective model of the Oktogon square in Budapest. Constantly moving sonic objects in 3D, according to rules specified for each object type. The 5-minute piece represents a 24-hour period, with semi-realistic rules evolving through time. 
Excerpts from the Max/MSP patch which creates the piece in real-time:

For the audiovisual spatialisation and 8-channel mapping I used the cosm extensions.
Concert of the Studio for Electronic Music, Cologne University of Music 18 September 2015, BMC Library
Táguló (Unfolding)2010photo-animation filmphotos, director: Andrea Bátorfi
It was premiered as a part of the exhibition at Millenáris.

Sketches for Improvisation in the Zoo2010off-tune melodicas, cello, theremin, keyboard, percussion, guitar, voiceA series of textual/graphical scores for a 30-minute performance.Cologne Zoo, 1-2 May 2010
Zoo Installation with Plush Animals2010sound installationInteractive quadraphonic installation. 4 Wii controllers are hidden in 4 plush animals which are placed in the middle of the (sound) space. People are encouraged to play with them, thus generating data which is used by a nearby laptop running a Max/MSP patch to generate a complex (pseudo-natural) acoustic environment in real time.Cologne Zoo, 1-2 May 2010
Touch2010cello, live electronics    Balázs Kántor, Ensemble EAR, 26 February 2010
Csavargó (Tramp)2009short moviedirector: Linda Dombrovszky

40. Hungarian Film Week
Ruhezone2009sound installation
15 August 2009, Hanover, Herrenhäuser Gärten (Musik 21 Festival)
Games in the Backyard2009theatre performance (KoMa company, Budapest)
Premiere: 2 September 2009, Trafó
Quills2009theatre performance (Bárka Theatre, Budapest)
Premiere: 13 March 2009, Bárka Theatre
Cascando Sketch2009flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano, percussion (+ speaker)
Bartók Festival 2009, Szombathely
lautlos2009voice, live electronicsWeiten unnennbarer Sehnsüchte fallen lautlos, wie Blätter, schreite, wortlos. Hülle das Ferne mit Ruh. Stimme ins Stille krakeelte, verflogen. Zitternde Gipfel, Reise, sprachlos. Misslicher Hain nun erwacht.
Knöcherne Äste wanken, zerteilt wird die Dichte des Nebels (…) Knittrige Neige, Gewebe zerfällt, entblösst dunkle Röte (…)
Gräser vereinzelt in Erde gestochen entkeimen (…) Modriges Rinnsal mündet, von Schwermut zum Quellen erniedert (…)
(text: Jessica Huijnen)
12 June 2009, Karlsruhe, ZKM (next_generation)
Good Morning2009chamber orchestra
haydn.reflected, February 2009 (Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest)
Apology of the Escapologist2009a project by Krétakör, Budapest
8 March – 1 May 2009, at various spots of Budapest
Triptychon2009voice (soprano), bass flute, organ
Vertical concert, Bratislava, 23 January 2009
Eloge de l’escapologiste2008a Krétakör action in Bobigny (France)
May 2008, MC93 Bobigny
Savaria(da) Revisited2008alto and sopranino saxophone, tape
Kodály scholarship holders’ concert, 9 December 2008, Nádor Hall Budapest
Kicsi Salome (Little Salome)2008theatre performancedirector, choreographer: Nina Umniakov29 March 2008, Budapest, Millenáris Teátrum  (Fringe)
Recycling (Zöldkör – Green Cycle)2008dance performance    30 July 2008, Millenáris, Budapest
Switching On a Different Light2008viola    13 November 2008, WUK, Vienna (Wien Modern)
Bloomy Girls (A Bloomy Girl)2008tape (2 channels)Originally written to a video by Takagi Masakatsu for the Roma Soundtrack Competition.25 November 2008, Fonó
Az elsőszülött (The Firstborn)2007short moviedirector: Linda Dombrovszky
Il salotto più bello del mondo2007short moviedirector: Dorka Gergely
Rotate rotate2007piano, string quartet    KomponistInnen-Marathon II, 6 October 2007, Konzerthaus Vienna
Rondo poco meccanico2007ensemble
Centre Acanthes 2007, Metz, France (Orchestre National de Lorraine, dir.: Sylvio Gualda)
Az ünnep csendje (Solemn Silence, HUMAchiNe III)2007piano, tape (1 channel)
Portrait Concert at Rátkai Klub, 18 May 2010
HUMAchiNe II2007tape (2 channels)    
Határvidék (Borderland)2006short moviedirector: Linda Dombrovszky
Emelet (Miscalculation)2006full-length moviedirector: János Vecsernyés
Sagrada Família2006voices (mezzosoprano, baritone), chamber ensembleText: János TéreyTéreyUltra, Budapest Autumn Festival, 9 October 2006 (Viktória Mester, Ákos Ambrus, Componensemble, dir.: Zsolt Serei)
Transit2006tape (2 channels)

HUMAchiNe2006clarinet, electronics    Music by Bálint Bolcsó and Robert Kellner, 26 May 2006, Vienna, Alte Schmiede
52005dance playchoreographer: Nina Umniakov
Gyász (Mourn)2005documentary short moviedirector: Linda Dombrovszky
Visszatérés (Return)2005experimental short moviedirector: Linda Dombrovszky
Ér (Vein/Brook)2005symphony orchestra    Diploma concert, 26 October 2005, Academy of Music Budapest
Seven Times2005clarinet, cello, piano, electronics
Avantgarde Tirol, 31 August 2005, Seefeld in Tirol, Austria
kirchen|bogen|fragen|feld2005radio play – tape (2 channels)    
Ének, Hold, Gondolat / Lied, Mond, Gedanke2005clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon    Making New Waves 2005, Budapest, Trafó (Trio Lignum)
Nincs visszaút! (There’s No Way Back!)20044 melody instrumentsThis is an “open form” piece. Each player has the same single page with a 7×7 matrix of pitches. The performance (or game) is controlled via strict rules.
Vegetable Loops20045 cembali

L’Oiseau blessé d’une flèche2003vocal ensemble (8 voices)Mortellement atteint d’une flèche empennée, Un Oiseau déplorait sa triste destinée, Et disait, en souffrant un surcroît de douleur: “Faut-il contribuer à son propre malheur! Cruels humains ! vous tirez de nos ailes De quoi faire voler ces machines mortelles. Mais ne vous moquez point, engeance sans pitié: Souvent il vous arrive un sort comme le nôtre. Des enfants de Japet toujours une moitié Fournira des armes à l’autre.”
(Jean de La Fontaine)
20 October 2003, Budapest Autumn Festival, Rudas Bath
Grids2003voice (soprano), violin, clarinet, piano
Portrait concert of Judit Varga and Bálint Bolcsó, Alte Schmiede, Vienna (Wien Modern 2003)
bird eye2003voice (soprano), tape (2 channels), drums (optional)Painful song about a dying bird, with a quotation from Bach and plenty of saxophones. 
Schlummert ein, – Mortellement atteint d’une flèche empennée, ihr matten Augen, – Un oiseau déplorait sa triste destinée, fallet sanft – Et disait, en souffrant un surcroît de douleur: und selig zu… 
        (from the J. S. Bach cantata “Ich habe genug” and         “L’Oiseau blessé d’une Flèche” by La Fontaine)
Portrait concert of Judit Varga and Bálint Bolcsó Alte Schmiede Vienna (Wien Modern 2003)
Fluid2003soprano saxophone, ensemble    University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, 22 May 2003
Rodeo2002videoVideo and sound editing exercise made from material found on the internet.

Words…2002tape (2 channels)    
Portrait concert of Judit Varga and Bálint Bolcsó, Alte Schmiede, Vienna (Wien Modern 2003)
Farblos2001tape (2 channels)The primary material for this piece were fragments of street music recorded in the streets of Vienna (among them a Hungarian gipsy group’s playing), before the Christmas of 2000. Another source was a fragment of a 200-year-old composition. All these served as raw material, a long process of extensive transformations took place, after which hardly any of the sources are recognizable in their original functions. The work was done with the use of various computer techniques. The title (“Colourless”) has to do with the mechanism of our remembering, which can only give us an obscure and flat picture of what we once did and felt and lived in, without all its original contextual links.16 April 2009, Sprengel Museum Hannover
Punch for 42001clarinet, violin, viola, celloThe piece is based on “Sacherpunsch”, a solo clarinet piece composed few months earlier. “Punch for 4” is an extended version with almost the same material for the clarinet, the string trio playing a kind of accompaniment to it. The source of the pitch set is the name Sacher, which can directly be transcribed into the pitches Es-A-C-B(H)-E-D(“Re”). It is this basic idea from which the pitches used throughout the whole piece were derived from, utilising more and more of them as proceeding through the verse-based structure of the composition.11 December 2002, composition students’ concert (ÖGZM/ORF), Vienna, RadioKulturhaus
Sacherpunsch2000clarinetThe source of the pitch set for this piece is the name Sacher, which can directly be transcribed into the pitches Es-A-C-B(H)-E-D(“Re”). It is this basic idea from which the pitches used throughout the whole piece were derived from, utilising more and more of them as proceeding through the verse-based structure of the composition.10 December 2007, Budapest, Nádor Hall (Csaba Klenyán)
Két dal (Two Songs)2000voice (soprano), piano    Kaleidoskop der Nationen, Wiener Bezirksfestwochen 2000, Altes Rathaus, Vienna, Austria
R-dalok / Három dal (R-Songs / Three Songs)2000voice (soprano), flute, alto flute, electric guitar, bass guitar    5 April 2000, Budapest, Old Academy of Music
Talpalatnyi csend (A Foothold of Silence)2000tape (4/2 channels)The first version for 4 channels was written in 1999 upon a commission. The raw material was collected in a forest, on the street and in my dormitory room. The composition itself was completed with heavy use of the ProTools mixing software and several of its plug-ins. I intended to fully exploit the possibilities given by the 3D environment, and I believe it is perceivable in the present stereo version as well. Most of the material is in constant movement, while some elements (like the whispering which establishes a certain meditative atmosphere) are rather static.16 April 2009, Sprengel Museum Hannover
Meteorb1999animation short moviedirector: Béla Klingl
Gubanc1998violin, pianoA miniature, written in a more or less dodecaphonic manner.1 April 2008, Budapest, Kolta Gallery
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